Thursday, September 11, 2008

La Machine Extravaganza

Built by French company La Machine, which brought The Sultan's Elephant to London in 2006, this 37 tonne and 50ft Spider was last week dangling from the Concourse Tower in the centre of Liverpool. On Friday the spider sprung to mechanical life at its new location. This has been an Artichoke Works organised events that has been working with Francoise Delacroziere, the owner of La Machine, to create La Machine Extravaganza in Liverpool for the 2008 Capital of Culture. This form of street theatre is very interesting as it allows a whole community to become involved and excited by a piece of extraordinary technology and art. Lyn Gardner wrote in The Guardian "There were times when it seemed to be leading the entire population of the city on a merry dance, like some kind of arachnid pied piper." It does something very unique to the social dynamics of a community. It allows for communal ties and spirit to be strengthened. It also excites and intrigues the imagination. Imagine seeing this as a child!

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