Saturday, August 30, 2008

Tim Walker

Tim Walker has a display on at the London Design Museum at the moment for his outstanding fashion photographs. I really like his work and how he manages to capture really beautiful and awesome pictures that mix fun frivolity with a quirky strangness. I especially like his picture of Lily Cole on this spiral staircase, its like something out of a fairytale but the setting stops it from becoming too cliche. I like how he manages to tackle popular topics, like the bunny girl picture that features on the front of his book above, but puts his own twist on them. Very surreal and dreamlike. Worth a trip!


Louise Daniels said...

Hi Katharine, thanks for the link, I'll check it out! The only thing I've read on the 'ice men' is that the concept was (possibly) tiredness and how after a long day at work your energy is gradually drained. although I still can't find out who/when etc! As for finding everything.. I read a lot of design publications, I'm also subscribed to a billion design newsletters, and spend far too much time scouring the internet when I'm supposed to be working! Hehe!! Love this post re Tim Walker! I've seen his photography before; he always seems to push the boundaries to produce amazing images, i agree, quite quirky! said...

This photographer is fantastic, the images are really interesting and definately push the boundaries on what can be achieved in a photograph. Some of the images you posted are really beautiful and I definately will be looking into him more...really good choice!