Thursday, August 28, 2008

Troppo Architects

Troppo Architects are a group of architects based in Darwin Australia. They call themselves 'environmentally sustainable, responsible architects'.

They are organic designers in the sense that they start at the site of the building, and work on from there in a rationally minded way. I think what I like most about these designers is their common sense and ability to meld all aspects of creating a 'Green' home. They do not only think about the initial affect a new build will have on a site, on the places materials are sourced but also on the way they building will be utilised for years into the future. Their buildings have 'adjustable skins', meaning that they respond to the outside conditions, day to night, summer to winter. They holistically consider every part of their design process from self cooling spaces to considering the ultimate production cost to the environment of materials and energy used in the building process. I admire that they looked into the past to source design solutions for their buildings instead of looking to new technology. Trying to work with nature instead of resisting it.

They believe that 'the act of building, when mindful of its human purpose and process, can also help sustain a community's social and cultural fabric.' Check out there beautifully designed website at

1 comment:

Travis Brown said...

i like this design of architecture. i plan on becoming an architect when i graduate this year, and i think it's good that someone is embracing the alternative design to create more enviroment friendly homes. matter of fact, i'm working on a research project exploring better uses of alternative enrgy. but it's good to see an architecture business keep the enviroment and the people in mind. it makes me excited to become an architect.