Sunday, August 31, 2008


Exyzt is a revolutionary architectural group that seeks to challenge the constraints of modern ideology surrounding our world and specifically design. They wan to renew social behaviours. They believe that through the creation of interactive environments, people become their own architects, and through the dynamics of exchange new menaing can be found. Check them out at

The Sekenssor is an interactive architectural space. Interactive spaces are at the forfront of modern architectural, and design concerns at the moment.

What this space seeks to do is unite the canonised forces of art and technology to create an intelligent space which reacts to the dynamics of a living body. The Sekenssor is integrated in its environment from the outside, however, inside the Sekenssor becomes a narrow tunnel out of the real world, covered by a three-dimensional grid, an optical illusion projected or mirrored reminiscent of ancient perspective works. When left alone the Sekenssor goes to sleep only to be awakened by someone entering it. When you enter the body of the Sekenssor, through the use of vibration sensors, you have the ability to manipulate your surroundings, either through passing over the floor sound captors or playing with the way in which the inside 3D grid warps to your movement. On the outside flickering lights track any internal movement.

This strange sci-fi space talks a about the way in which science and art can unify to create real relevant meaning. I think this is a really exciting and important project to look at.

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