Thursday, August 7, 2008

Jean Baudrillard

Well heres another must read in the semiotics list, but again I believe its very interesting reading! Jean Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulation (1994), which is translated by Sheila Faria Glaser, uses the semiotic thoeries of Pierce and Saussure but develps them further. He is especially interested in the way signs in our society now no longer relate to an actual reality but relate instead to themselves. He argues that this operation in our society leads to a hyper-reality. When looking at adverts or any communicating images its possible to see how these theories take shape within them. Especially in big corporate adverts... for instance the Halifax advert that features the company's employees singing 'we are sailing' and then the actual building takes sail out to sea with a lit X on the roof. Deconstructing such advertisments through semiotic analysis allows for a deeper under standing of the way in which meaning is communicated through design.

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