Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Ice is Melting

We hear so much about Global Warming that perhaps the flood of information and the enormity of the consequences, creates an immobilising feeling within society. So how to create an affective advertisment that calls people to action? Well www.conservation.org.co commisioned this piece of clever ambient advertisment. Ice sculptures of Polar animals where placed in 7 of Botago's main public spaces along with a puddle shaped sticker with the organisation's website address. When a topic as important and with as much information as Global warming is addressed perhaps it is important to get straight to the point. This piece of ambient media does it brilliantly, combining a a direct visual of ice melting and the destruction of animals. Its powerful, simple and above all incredibly affective as over 8000 people saw it, and apparently there was a massive increase in visitors to its website.


Caz said...

I think this is a very clever way of advertising and by ure figures shows that it has been alot more effective then just sticking a poster up! It acually grabs peoples aattention as wouldnt it grab ures if u was walking down the street and saw a polar bear made of ice?! i would certainly stop to see what its all about. Very clever!

Francesca Bennett said...

This is a nice bit of ambient media, I agree with caz it is much more effective way of relaying the information to the public.